Dr. Deric Thomas Sep 18 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke The Victory of Jesus Over EvilScripture: Luke 8:26-39Topics: Christ's Authority, Demons, Evil cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Sep 11 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke Peace, Calm, Rest… JesusScripture: Luke 8:22-25Topics: anxiety, peace, rest cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Sep 04 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke Listening to the Word & Sharing the WordScripture: Luke 8:4-21Topics: Evangelism, Obedience, Word cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Sep 02 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke Forgiveness and It’s ResultsTopics: Discipleship, Humility, love cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Aug 21 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke Diagnosing DoubtScripture: Luke 7:18-35Topics: Culture, Doubt, Faith, Suffering, Trust cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Aug 14 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke The Compassion of Christ, And OursScripture: Luke 7:11-17 cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Aug 07 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke The Portrait of a Marvelous Person in God’s SightScripture: Luke 7:1-10 cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Jul 31 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke UnshakableScripture: Luke 6:46-49 cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Jul 24 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke Heart Transplant and Transformation: How People ChangeScripture: Luke 6:43-45, Jeremiah 17:5-10 cloud_download share exit_to_app
Christ Fellowship Jul 17 Sermon Audio Stand Alone Messages Counseling the Gospel to a Hurting WorldScripture: 2 Corinthians 3:18 cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Jul 10 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke Jesus PeopleScripture: Luke 6:37-42 cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Jul 03 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke Stop Stewing, Start Singing and ServingScripture: Luke 6:27-36Topics: Anger, Forgiveness cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Jun 26 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke The Popularity, Power, and Preaching of Jesus: A Divine DiagnosisScripture: Luke 6:17-26 cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Jun 19 Sermon Audio Stand Alone Messages A Theology of Family Leadership: Leadership That BleedsScripture: Genesis 2:15, 3:6, 3:15Topics: Biblical Manhood, Family, Leadership cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Jun 12 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke Judas Iscariot: Belief or Betrayal?Scripture: Luke 6:12-16Topics: Greed, Repentence, Wealth cloud_download share exit_to_app