Dr. Deric Thomas Jul 19 CF College Audio Reading the Bible Chronologically (2017): Old Testament Survey (Jonah & Amos) cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Jul 16 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke Faith and FinancesScripture: Luke 16:10-15 cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Jul 12 CF College Audio Reading the Bible Chronologically (2017): Old Testament Survey (Obadiah) cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Jul 09 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke God’s Faithful ManagerScripture: Luke 16:1-9 cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Jun 25 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke The Story of 3 Sons Part 3: And the 3rd Son is…Scripture: Luke 15:11-32 cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Jun 18 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke The Story of 3 Sons Part 2: The Danger of Angry ReligionScripture: Luke 15:25-32 cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas Jun 04 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke The Story of 3 Sons Part 1: From Shame to HonorScripture: Luke 15:11-24 cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas May 31 CF College Audio Reading the Bible Chronologically (2017): Old Testament Survey (1 Kings) cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas May 21 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke Learning to Love God The MostScripture: Luke 14:25-35 cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas May 14 Sermon Audio The Gospel of Luke A Mother’s Joy… And God’sScripture: Luke 15:1-10 cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas May 10 CF College Audio Chronological Bible Survey Reading the Bible Chronologically (2017): Old Testament Survey (1 & 2 Samuel) cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas CF College Audio Chronological Bible Survey Reading the Bible Chronologically (2017): Old Testament Survey (Judges) cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas CF College Audio Chronological Bible Survey Reading the Bible Chronologically (2017): Old Testament Survey (Joshua Part 1) cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas CF College Audio Chronological Bible Survey Reading the Bible Chronologically (2017): Old Testament Survey (Deuteronomy Part 2) cloud_download share exit_to_app
Dr. Deric Thomas CF College Audio Chronological Bible Survey Reading the Bible Chronologically (2017): Old Testament Survey (Deuteronomy Part 1) cloud_download share exit_to_app