Sermon Notes
Survey of the Old Testament
I. Why Did God Give Us the Old Testament? The Old Testament as Theology
1. The key to understanding how to_________________ the Old Testament is understanding why God gave us the OT. 2. A few possibilities…
A. For _________________information? B. For moral lessons?
C. For ___________________ studies? D. For examples in life?
3. A much _________________purpose…
A. A foundational purpose at the_________________ of Old Testament history…
a. We want to know it.
b. We want to _______________it. c. We want to proclaim it.
B. The purpose of the OT is to reveal how God _________________________ His people for His kingdom. a. How God redeems His people…
C. God is restoring His people to Himself.
D. God is re_______________________ us in His image.
a. For His kingdom. E. What is a kingdom?
a. ____________________ who are ruled by the King.
b. A _________________where the King has dominion.
c. A ___________________ for the King and His Kingdom.
F. _________________ Kingdom…
a. God is bringing His people… b. To His place…
c. For His purpose…
G. A _________________ for understanding the storyline of the OT… a. A progressive story.
b. An _______________________story.
II. Eden (Genesis 1-2)
1. People- God’s blessing on His people.
A. The Sovereign King creates man and woman as the _________________ of His creation.
B. ____________ complementary accounts of creation display unique relationship between God and man.
a. Genesis 1, which is cosmic and _______________________ in its scope.
b. Genesis 2, which is decidedly man-centered (anthropomorphic). C. Man constantly _____________________the love of God
2. Place- Perfect fellowship
A. The very best place of all- the garden of __________________ in Eden. B. Eden is a place where all relationships are perfect.
a. Between God and _________________.
b. Between man and woman.
c. Between man and his ___________________.
3. Purpose- God’s glory multiplied to all peoples.
A. Created in God’s image, man _______________________God Himself as the sovereign over all creation. B. Man’s purpose:
a. To _________________ a relationship with God (Gen. 1:26a).
b. To __________________ over all creation (Gen. 1:26b).
c. To ___________________ God’s glory to the ends of the earth (Gen. 1:28).
III.Fall (Genesis 3-11)
I. People- God’s blessing and judgement through Adam and Eve. A. Two results of the Fall…
a. Righteous _______________________.
b. Undeserving ____________________.
B. Salvation and judgement are now _____________________ and complementary aspects of the action of God
in bringing in His kingdom.
C. Two _______________ of human development (Gen. 4-11).
a. An ungodly line expressing human sin and inviting God’s judgement
b. A _______________ line showing God’s purpose of grace to make people for Himself 2. Place- Disrupted fellowship
A. All ____________________are now disrupted… a. Their is discord between God and man…
i. ____________ (Gen. 3:7).
ii. ______________(Gen. 3:8).
iii. _______________ (Gen. 3:10).
b. Their is discord between man and woman (Gen. 3:16).
c. Their is discord between man and his environment (Gen. 3:17). B. Fallen man is __________________ the garden.
3. Purpose- God’s glory marred for all peoples.
A. Man is now only free to be what his is- a sinner who ________________ God. B. The picture of man after the Fall…
a. Total disobedience to the purpose of God (Gen. 11:2).
b. Total __________________ for the glory of God (Gen. 11:4).
IV. Patriarchs (Genesis 12-50)
1. People- God’s blessing and judgement through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. A. God establishes a _____________________people (Israel).
a. “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you…” (Gen. 12:2-3)
B. God promises to __________________ Abraham and his descendants. a. Genesis 12:1-3; 15:1-6; 17:1-27).
C. God’s promise received by grace alone through _________________ alone. 2. Place- Promised fellowship
A. God establishes a covenant place.
a. “Leave your country, your people, and your father’s household and go to the _______________ I will
show you.” (Gen. 12:1)
B. God continually gives ________________ of promised fellowship in the land. A. Isaac (Gen. 26:1-6); Jacob (Gen. 28:10-22); Joseph (Gen. 39).
3. Purpose- God’s glory made known to all peoples through His faithfulness.
A. God provides a ______________________ for His promise to be realized (Gen. 22).
B. God promises to establish His kingdom for all ___________ through His people (Gen. 17:6; 35:11; 49:9-10).