April 12, 2017

Reading the Bible Chronologically (2017): Old Testament Survey (Genesis)

Sermon Notes

Survey of the Old Testament

I. Why Did God Give Us the Old Testament? The Old Testament as Theology

1. The key to understanding how to_________________ the Old Testament is understanding why God gave us the OT. 2. A few possibilities…

A. For _________________information? B. For moral lessons?
C. For ___________________ studies? D. For examples in life?

3. A much _________________purpose…
A. A foundational purpose at the_________________ of Old Testament history…

a. We want to know it.
b. We want to _______________it. c. We want to proclaim it.

B. The purpose of the OT is to reveal how God _________________________ His people for His kingdom. a. How God redeems His people…

C. God is restoring His people to Himself.
D. God is re_______________________ us in His image.

a. For His kingdom. E. What is a kingdom?

a. ____________________ who are ruled by the King.
b. A _________________where the King has dominion.
c. A ___________________ for the King and His Kingdom.

F. _________________ Kingdom…
a. God is bringing His people… b. To His place…
c. For His purpose…

G. A _________________ for understanding the storyline of the OT… a. A progressive story.

b. An _______________________story.

II. Eden (Genesis 1-2)

1. People- God’s blessing on His people.
A. The Sovereign King creates man and woman as the _________________ of His creation.
B. ____________ complementary accounts of creation display unique relationship between God and man.

a. Genesis 1, which is cosmic and _______________________ in its scope.

b. Genesis 2, which is decidedly man-centered (anthropomorphic). C. Man constantly _____________________the love of God

2. Place- Perfect fellowship
A. The very best place of all- the garden of __________________ in Eden. B. Eden is a place where all relationships are perfect.

a. Between God and _________________.
b. Between man and woman.
c. Between man and his ___________________.

3. Purpose- God’s glory multiplied to all peoples.
A. Created in God’s image, man _______________________God Himself as the sovereign over all creation. B. Man’s purpose:

a. To _________________ a relationship with God (Gen. 1:26a).
b. To __________________ over all creation (Gen. 1:26b).
c. To ___________________ God’s glory to the ends of the earth (Gen. 1:28).

III.Fall (Genesis 3-11)

I. People- God’s blessing and judgement through Adam and Eve. A. Two results of the Fall…

a. Righteous _______________________.

b. Undeserving ____________________.
B. Salvation and judgement are now _____________________ and complementary aspects of the action of God

in bringing in His kingdom.
C. Two _______________ of human development (Gen. 4-11).

a. An ungodly line expressing human sin and inviting God’s judgement

b. A _______________ line showing God’s purpose of grace to make people for Himself 2. Place- Disrupted fellowship

A. All ____________________are now disrupted… a. Their is discord between God and man…

i. ____________ (Gen. 3:7).
ii. ______________(Gen. 3:8).
iii. _______________ (Gen. 3:10).

b. Their is discord between man and woman (Gen. 3:16).

c. Their is discord between man and his environment (Gen. 3:17). B. Fallen man is __________________ the garden.

3. Purpose- God’s glory marred for all peoples.
A. Man is now only free to be what his is- a sinner who ________________ God. B. The picture of man after the Fall…

a. Total disobedience to the purpose of God (Gen. 11:2).
b. Total __________________ for the glory of God (Gen. 11:4).

IV. Patriarchs (Genesis 12-50)

1. People- God’s blessing and judgement through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. A. God establishes a _____________________people (Israel).

a. “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you…” (Gen. 12:2-3)

B. God promises to __________________ Abraham and his descendants. a. Genesis 12:1-3; 15:1-6; 17:1-27).

C. God’s promise received by grace alone through _________________ alone. 2. Place- Promised fellowship

A. God establishes a covenant place.
a. “Leave your country, your people, and your father’s household and go to the _______________ I will

show you.” (Gen. 12:1)
B. God continually gives ________________ of promised fellowship in the land. A. Isaac (Gen. 26:1-6); Jacob (Gen. 28:10-22); Joseph (Gen. 39).

3. Purpose- God’s glory made known to all peoples through His faithfulness.
A. God provides a ______________________ for His promise to be realized (Gen. 22).
B. God promises to establish His kingdom for all ___________ through His people (Gen. 17:6; 35:11; 49:9-10).

Dr. Deric Thomas